What We Fund
Want to know what the PTO does? We provide nearly $50,000 annually in funding for items needed by our teachers and our students because state and district funds can often be depleted by essential needs. The JES PTO helps to fund a variety of educational services and social activities for our JES community. Here's just some of what the JES PTO funded recently:
Teacher grants ($200/teacher)
Book Fair gifts ($25/teacher)
Teacher and Staff Appreciation meals and gifts
Academic Excellence awards
Johnson PTO Scholarship for graduating HHS Senior ($1,000)
Author Visits
Artist Visits
Learning A-Z Raz Plus Library of Books for early readers
Mindful Meditation + Music
Back to School Night
Kentucky Kids Day activities and t-shirts
5th Grade Celebration sweatshirts, gifts, and events
All Sports Day Shirts
Watch Dogs
KPREP Testing treats
Everybody Counts
Nutrition Week
Walk to School Week
Character Programming
Special funding for art, music, world language, library, and physical education supplies and equipment
Classroom Holiday Parties
Class Pet Supplies and Carriers
Family Events
Additional requests submitted by teachers annually (storage equipment, remote learning tools, etc.)
Our largest goal to fund for the 2024-2025 school year is outdoor improvements such as turf for the playground and nature trails.